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关于举办“应用数学及统计学系列讲座III(Statistics: The Science in Everyday life)”的通知

作者:马川      来源:教学办      发布日期:2011-05-24  浏览次数:

New Mexico State University

The purpose of this lecture series is to strength student’s  background  in  applied mathematics , applied statistics,  and their applications. Several professors from domestics and aboard will be invited to deliver talks related in applied mathematics and statistics by the end of this semester.

Series Lecture III
Statistics: The Science in Everyday life
Dr. Hanfeng Chen
Bowling Green State University

Abstract: Statistics is the science to infer some population characteristics based on a (small) portion of the population. It may be the most inter-disciplinary science. It is demanded by almost all other sciences and engages in everyday life. In this talk, the nature of statistical science and its applications will be described and discussed.
Time: 3:00-4:30 pm, Thursday, May 26, 2011.
Place: 北校区 创新实验学院一层多媒体教室

Graduate Coordinator and Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403, USA
E-mail: hchen@bgsu.edu

I. Academic Degrees
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990.  Major in Statistics; minor in Computer Science and Mathematics.
M.A. Wuhan University (China), 1985. Major in Statistics.
B.S. Wuhan University (China), 1982. Major in Mathematics.
II. Academic Positions
Professor, Bowling Green State University, 2002 to present.
Visiting Professor, Wuhan University (China), 2005 to present.
Visiting Professor, York University (Canada), 2007.
Associate Professor, Bowling Green State University, 1996 to 2002.
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Waterloo, 1998.
Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University, 1990 to 1996.
Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987 to 1990.
Teaching Assistant, University of Rochester, 1986 to 1987.
Lecturer, Wuhan University (China), 1985 to 1986.
III. Research Interests
Finite mixture models, statistical genetics, analysis of transformed data, statistical process control, empirical likelihood methods, multivariate analysis, robust statistical inference.
IV. Membership in Professional Organizations
American Statistical Association (since 1988).
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (since 1988).
International Chinese Statistical Association (since 1987).

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