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关于举办“Introduction to Some Research Problems in Mathematical Biology”报告会的通知

作者:马川      来源:教学办      发布日期:2011-06-23  浏览次数:

  报告题目: Introduction to Some Research Problems in Mathematical Biology
  报 告 人:Jianjun Paul Tian
  报告时间: 6月24日 下午15:30—16:30

  报告地点:北校区  8号楼 N8204教室

  报告摘要: In this talk, I will briefly introduce several research problems in mathematical biology that my research is focused on, including:       
      (1) Tumor growth with therapies
      (2) Germline stem cell competition and neural stem cell control

      (3) Infectious disease models of cholera

  报告人简介:Jianjun Paul Tian, he received his Ph.D in Mathematics, University of California, 2004. He then completed a postdoctoral fellow at the NSF institute, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, om Ohio State University campus, 2004-2007. His areas of specialization is Mathematical and Computational Biology. He now is a assistant professor in Mathematics Department, College of William and Mary. He has wrote 4 books and published more than 23 papers in many famous journal such as: Mathematical Biosciences, DCDS, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology and so on.