To help the students establish risk awareness for bad loans and form rational consumption concept, on April 14th, Class Biotech 1703 had their class meeting where the whole class watched a featured video on bad loan precaution. Zhao Yue, class secretary, chaired the meeting.
In recent years, along with the improvement of college students’ life quality, some criminals have turned their attention to this inexperienced group and have committed fraud crimes with various means. Taolu Dai, a new variant of campus loan, is a new type of fraud which results in victims’ loss of house property and assets. This new means is well disguised and can easily bring out other crimes and serious consequences including the victim leaving school, committing suicide, and selling house property to pay the debt etc.
The students felt beneficial after watching the video. Liu Yidu said, “Taolu Dai is new. Victims include not only elder people, farmers, and students but also the highly educated group. Without prior knowledge of its means and detentions, it is difficult to identify the criminal motive.” Sun Yuxin said that the college students should strengthen their precautions fundamentally by avoiding vanity and insisting rational consumption.
Teacher Zheng Lifei made conclusions at the end of the meeting: college students should establish risk awareness for bad loans and eliminate bad loans; it is important to refuse excessive consumption and to hold the awareness of saving; the students should combine the knowledge and the action and endeavour to meet the demands of the times.

Students watch featured video
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)