2016 Yangling Marathon was held successfully on April 10th. CIE was highly involved in the great event, preparing students volunteers, players and cheering squad to cooperate with other department.
We are fully prepared!
Marathon is a race testing persistence and endurance, and a challenge to the runner himself. CIE students’ instructors advised the student runners take regular exercise and psychological adjustment before the event. The runners were also instructed to obey the rules of competition and take good care of them in the running. CIE organized series of trainings concerning the Marathon rules and tips for personal well-being.
Sweet and sweat, we are at service of Marathon!
There were 20 CIE student honored to work as marathon volunteers and receiving professional trainings in terms of marathon common sense, rules and volunteer requirements. It was definitely not an easy job to work as a volunteer for this great event. The students came to their working station even earlier than the sunrise to sort out supplies, guiding the overseas runners and keep orders. Sweat but sweet, it was the explicit manifestation of volunteers work.
Cheering for the runners!
CIE organized cheer squad to booste the morale of the runners. Lead by students’ instructors, all year 2015 students came to the finishing line of half-marathon at Season Square on south campus. With marathon mascot stickers on faces and red flag in hands, the squad cheered loudly for the runners arriving.
Marathon means self-mastery and enterprising spirit, whose runners manifested the spirit of the even with their actions. To the CIE students who were highly involved in the event, it means harvest and youth passion.

runners from CIE

CIE volunteers at service of Marathon

CIE teams in support
(Photos by: Cao Shuaishuai; Translated by: Yan Xianhui)