To familiarize CIE student with scientific research and the reference retrieval methods, CIE held seminar at Youren College and invited Mr. Ma Pengda to share his experience with the students. The seminar held few days ago had been expected to pave the way for the students’ research development.
Mr. Ma first introduced some shortcuts of reference retrieval and then shared various kinds of search methods and recommended to the students some professional academic websites. Exemplified with his own research, his following introduction covered the general methods applied in the scientific research. The student benefited much from Mr. Ma’s report, having an clear idea of how to form research team and initiate a research program. At the Q&A session, the guest and the students had lively discussion over the challenges confronted with the students in their study and College Students’ Scientific Innovation Program.
This seminar gives the students an opportunity for learning about reference retrieval methods and scientific research process. In addition, it is a chance for students improving their exchanging ideas and research literacy, which lays solid foundation for their future research. As shown on the term dates, there will be more teachers and senior students to be invited to share their experience at CIE.

at the seminar
(Photos by: Cheng Jiahui; Translated by: Yan Xianhui)