CIE volunteers scattered themselves on streets to promote knowledge of consumption safety and rights protection by law, to familiarize more people with how to defend their rights and protect themselves from fraud.
The fully prepared students took the Haoyouduo supermarket square their stage where they held the campaign themed on Healthy Consumption and Law-Protected Rights. Banners were hung on as speeches were delivered to introduce the passers-by the origin of the Day and how to defend rights in consumption. Some online fraud cases were also demonstrated to keep people alert at the self-protection in online shopping. In addition, the volunteers familiarize the audience present some helpful shopping tips and relative laws. Some passers-by were in no time absorbed in the activity and stopped walking to listen carefully. Some joined the signature move and talked with the volunteers over their confusion in consumption. The square was filled with passion of learning.
To raise the awareness of rights defending is essential in the modern multiple consumption. The practice held by CIE, on one hand, enhances their sense of responsibility and devotion to community services. On the other hand, it improves the consumption environment and promotes the idea of Healthy Consumption and Defending Rights by Law.

at the signature move

at the informative speech

join us for healthy consumption