At 7:30 pm of 16th Oct, students of A&F Foreign Language Department and College of Innovative Experiment flooded into the CIE multimedia room for the lecture given by Nathan Li from Maryland University of USA.
First, Professor Lim made a brief introduction to himself and the objectives and teaching content of English Listening and Speaking course. To improve students’ listening and speaking skills, Professor Lim demonstrated the teaching methods of Interactive teaching and group work which were also applied to the lecture.
Then, Professor Lim organized a class activity of Design Your English Recipe, in which the students were encouraged to recall or to look up the English words about food and cooking for making the recipe of their group. All students were concentrated on the game and worked out their English recipe, enjoying the fun of learning.
The communication between foreign teacher and the students furthered their mutual understanding and laid the root for the following English Listening and Speaking classes.
 In class