To promote the understanding and friendship between the dormitories and create a positive, healthy, happy and united dormitory culture, CIE held the first college Fun Games in Youren College.
The dormitory-unit games consisted of relay race, catching the “snake’s tail”, musical chairs, task-games and spy-detector, in which 14 dormitories from No. 16 and No. 17 students apartment attended. The students were so passionate that even the chill of winter day was melted by their team spirit and engagement in games. The tacit cooperation between team members in task-games won thundering cheers and applause of the audience while the fierce competition of catching the “snake’s tail” lightened the atmosphere greatly. Both the game players and the audience greatly enjoyed the events. Finally, dormitory 16#212 and 17#205 stood out of the teams and took the prizes of the top two.
The Fun Games of CIE was organized to provide the students a platform of communication in a pleasant and relaxing way, which united the dormitories and eased their stress caused by the coming CET 4 and CET6, and improved their study efficiency and promoted their understanding.
 the fun games (Photo: Qin Xiaogan. Translated by: Xianhui Yan)