The Final of 6th CIE Zhuoyue Cup Debate was successfully held in Xiushan hall of north campus, at which over 200 people attended including the CIE students’ councillor, members of college student union and all Y2013 CIE students.
The debate was between Bio-science (experimental) class 132 as Pro and Bio-engineering (base) class 131 as Con, themed on the topic The Companion or The Destination Matters.
The Pro team backing up the Destination idea zeroed in with their argument in terms of its definition, significance and necessity, while the other party defended theirs with the impact brought by companion onto individuals and human beings. The witty remarks and organized strategy of both parties offered a great feast of words and a fabulous collide of wisdom for the audience who were absorbed in the debate and couldn’t help showing their appreciation with cheers, laughter and applause. Finally, having reviewed thoughtfully, the judges gave their favour to the Bio-engineering class 131 who therefore took the crown of the 6th CIE Zhuoyue Cup Debate with score of 854, and student Li Jie were awarded Best Debate of this season.
It has been designed that the preliminary debate of this season was conducted in the way of round robin rules. 6 groups of Y2013 students took part in and worked hard chasing for the championship, whose effort of spending spare time in searching for useful materials, discussing and practicing the arguments guaranteed the excellence of debate. As the feedback from the students suggests, the debate not only promotes the friendship between students, but also exercises their abilities to express ideas and to cope with uncertain events, which consequently broadens their horizon and enriches their knowledge as well.
 Demonstrating the ideas persuasively
 Defending the argument logically and calmly
 Audience absorbed in the heated debate
 Second Prize Team
 Champion Team (Photo from: Wei Bin, Translated by: Xianhui Yan)