To promote the classics and familiarize the students with skills and methods in reading classic literature, the second lecture of Classic Literature was held by Youren College at Fem Book. Mr. Yuan Jungang was invited to show the student show to read and comprehend the essence of classics.
From the definition of classic to why and how to read classic literature works, Mr. Yuan gave the students plentiful instructions about more scientific reading methods illustrated by his personal experience. Then, he inspired the students to analyze the works of Leo Tolstoy, Hegel and other renowned writers, illustrating with his personal experience. In addition, he gave his suggestions of how to choose books to read, how to develop the habit of reading to the students.
Scientific reading methods will enable the students to be more goal-oriented in reading when they enjoyed the abundant reading materials offered by Youren College. This lecture expanded the vision of students and enrich their knowledge and their college life. The success of this activity is attributed to the Fem Book and the respected lecturer.
 Mr. Yuan Talking with the students
 Mr. Yuan Interpreting the Classic Literature (Translated by:Xianhui Yan)