Students of Youren College held Meeting Yourself Carnival to celebrate the Girls’ Day---March 7th. Three activities were organized for this celebration. First, the college collected the girls’ photos, which were then pasted onto the wall of Snap of Joy and Happiness. Then, the neatly dressed boys of our college stood in front of the photo wall, sending their best wishes and beautiful flowers to the lucky girls in yellow. Last, the boys wrote down their wishes on the notepaper and wrapped them in envelopes with candies, sending to all the girls of our college.
Meeting Yourself Carnival was a manifestation of care for girls and a bridge linking the communication between the boys and the girls. It greatly enriched the college life of CIE young students.
 “Hi, lucky girl!”
 “Happy Girls’ Day!”
 The "Great Wall" of Joy (Photos: Li Chunjiang; Translated by: Xianhui Yan)