Clear day, bright sunshine, sweet air, why cocoon ourselves in the dorms and hitch ourselves on the internet? Isn’t the optimism activated in off-line real life? Isn’t the friendship promoted through face-to-face interaction? No more hesitation, dear folks! Come and join the freshmen basketball matches! Show us your talent of slam-dunk, and amaze us with your youth energy! It’s basketball time of CIE!
 What a wonderful leap!
Can you smell the air of fighting? At the very beginning of the match, the players have lept into the state of battle. No-word-needed cooperation, fierce scrambling and half-feet-distance chasing made the match a feast of entertainment. The atmosphere of tit-for-tac intensify the nerves of all players and the audiences. Sweat, cheers, applause and alternating growing scores light up the late-autumn day and wake up the sleeping youth energy in the heart young men. Last, Bio-technology class 1504 took the crown of the afternoon with their outstanding physical strength and strong mind of perseverance. The second and third prize went to Bio-technology class 1501 and 1502 repectively. One of the players Peng Ziheng exclaimed, “ backetball game is by no means a individual sport. It requires team cooperation and whole-hearted devotion of all its members. We will fight like soilders anytime in the battle.”
 What a beautiful shotting!
In the matches, we see so clearly the youth energy, opitimism, cooperation and friendship of CIE Y2015 students. It answered the call of NWAFU Three-Walking-out, and also improve students’ initiatives in sports.
 It’s youth energy! (Pictures: Li Mengyuan; Translated by: Xianhui Yan)