On 20th October, Rookie Cup basketball match of Youren College was successfully held. Finally, Y2014 students of Bio-Science major took the crown of both boy’s basketball and girl’s basketball games. Students Wang Haoming and Zhang Ke were awarded the title of MVPs respectively.
The games were so well-played that the audience were completely absorbed in the visual feast. With the spirit of Friendship First and Competition Second in minds, the players make the games spectacular and enjoyable. The flawless cooperation and vigorous breakthrough won thundering applause and cheers of audience constantly.
These games were held to respond the call of Less Internet Surfing and More Sports Exercise put forward by National Youth League Committee. In addition, it has greatly enriched the college life of students who can take this opportunity for demonstrating their ability and enhance the cohesion of class. In other words, it helps the students to fit well in the life of Youren College.
 The competition field (Translated by : Xianhui Yan)