On the evening of 9th September, professor Scott B. Jones from Soil Engineering Institute of Utah State University, who was invited by CIE cultural mentor Mr. Zou Yufeng, gave a report to CIE students in the hall of Xiushan student center.
In his report, professor Jones introduced the students the cultural characteristics of Utah State, then talked about the academic development, laboratory construction, academic culture, application for studying at universities in North America and cultural differences. The informative report was so well-illustrated and systematically delivered, that the students were completely attracted by the exotic culture and the beauty of American education.
At the Q&A section, the students were very active to voice their ideas and talked with the professor about differences between Chinese and American education, the development of good habit at college and English language learning. When being asked of “ How to make oneself an outstanding scientist”, Professor Jones shared his experience and feeling, saying that” Success is hard to be evaluated for want of a fixed standard. The goal could be lifelong or not. All that we could is to set goals periodically and fulfill them with utmost effort.”
Last, Mr. Zou summarized the report, pointing out that a university student was supposed to be equipped with international vision and good language proficiency. So he encouraged the students to be more engaged in English Learning, to develop good habit of language learning and to make new breakthrough to express in English.
The students not only learned of the American education, culture, application for overseas university and English learning skills, but also got their vision expanded. In addition, their interest in learning English was greatly motivated and raised.
 Professor Scott Jones
 Q&A Section
 Mr. Zou Yufeng hosting the report (Photos from: Wei Bin; Translated by: Xianhui Yan)