At 2:30 pm on May 9th, 2018, Biotechnology Base Class 1602 of Innovation Experimental College had a class of Cell Biology Experiment at B512 laboratory of Science Building. Taught by teacher Huang Weiwei, this class is mainly about the display method of acid phosphatase (ACP).
Teacher Huang described the principle of the chemical chromogenic method and its application in biological experiments. Besides, he detailed the steps of this experiment from sampling, fixation to the final microscope examination, with each step specified.
Professor Zhang Linsheng joined the observation class, making suggestions for students’ experimental operation. He said: “The experimental apparatus must keep neat during the whole process of experiment, which will benefit future experiments both visually and operationally."
Through the experimental class, students from Biotechnology Base Class 1602 mastered both the core knowledge and operational methods.

Students Conducting Experiments

Cell Biology Experiment Observation Class
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)