On the morning of May 9th, students of CIE Bio-technology Class 1503 and 1504 had a wonderful Micro-biology class lead by their teacher, ,Mz. Lin Yanbing. This is a success in exploring effective methods for improving students’ ability to do independent research and corporate in learning.
The students were required to work in groups of 3-5 members for literature research of SCI papers, international documents, journals and magazines in this field, before selecting their presentation topics. As long as the first job done, they all pitched in with the sorting work, translation, logic analysis and idea-summary. According to the common topics of their research, Mz. Lin took the Enteric Microorganism as the major topic and invited three groups randomly to do in-class presentation. With the aid of PPT, the student gave detailed report on topic of How Enteric Microorganism Prevent the Spreading of Microorganism in Malnourished Children and General Introduction to Diverse Enteric Microorganism Group, sharing their ideas and discovery at great length.
The class fully were engaged in interaction section in which the listeners voiced their confusions while the speaker soon gave responsive answers. Mz. Lin encouraged the students to collect online information via mobile phone in class to enrich their supportive materials for their argument. Last, Mr. Lin made encouraging comments and showed her recognition of students’ efforts and enthusiasm. She suggested the students learn more skills and organization of their PPT and presentation.
This practice, on one hand, intrigues students to learn more actively and strategically, furthering their understanding of certain scientific field. On the other hand, it allows the expanding of their learning field to greater extent. As the students are exposed to latest development of the theories, they have their innovative awareness greatly arouse and research ability improved.

Mz. Lin Yanbing in Microorganism Class

Student Doing Presentation
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)