Exciting news came from research team presided over by Mr. Ma Haoli from Agronomy College of NWAFU. Frontiers in Plant Science included the paper Bioinformatics Prediction and Evolution Analysis of Arabinogalactan Proteins in the Plant Kingdom which was written by CIE student Ma Yuling, also a member of Mr. Ma’s team. The journal Frontiers in Plant Science is a top core value in international plant science field, whose impact factor is as high as 4.495.
Arabinogalactan proteins is highly valued in research field due to its important role in cell proliferation and production, cell differentiation, cell programmed death, somatic embryogenesis, anthor development and pollen tube growth, zygote division and embroynic development. This paper focused on the detailed research in this field and put forward a identification method applicable to all plants’ AGPs protein and AGP gene family. It is significant in further research of evolutionary mechanism.
This great success resulted from the eminent ethos of NWAFU and CIE, personal persistence and innovative spirit, and the mentor’s preciseness in research and his dedication to teaching. We hope this inspiring news will encourage our CIE teachers and students to achieve higher in scientific research.

Screenshot of the paper
Paper Web-link:Bioinformatics Prediction and Evolution Analysis of Arabinogalactan Proteins in the Plant Kingdom
Translated by: Yan Xianhui