Prof. Antony Mark Hooper from Rothamsted Research, U.K invited to CIE gave a wonderful report on the afternoon of June 23rd.
Prof. Antony Mark Hooper, advanced researcher of Rothamsted Research, U.K., PhD of Cambridge University, U.K., Chartered Chemist of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in the United Kingdom, Chartered Chemist of Science Committee of U.K. He has been working on the research of isolation and identification of plant and animal semiochemicals, the characteristic of enzyme and gene in biosynthesis and the mechanism of chemical signal transferring in soils.
Themed on The Science of Chemical Ecology: More Than Just Sex and Bugs, Professor Hooper’s report was started with the research of chemical ecology illustrated with examples of relevance between human health and agriculture. The distinguished reporter also interacted with the listeners after the report.
This inspiring activity furthered the students understanding of chemical ecology and enriched their knowledge of research methods in this filed, paving the way for students’ prospect in scientific research.

Professor Antony Mark Hooper giving report to CIEers

at the meeting
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)