Plant Genetics, one of the key curriculums of CIE Y2016 summer term, was officially launched on May 13th, which was conducted by Prof. Weaver from Auburn University, USA. Long before the course began, CIE and Office of International Cooperation and Exchange had lengthy communication over the preparation program, ensuring the course running appropriately. The class consists of 9 Auburn University students and 20 NWAFU students. The course taught in English also means a great opportunity to NWAFUers for practicing foreign language.
Internationalized teaching has been initiated and promoted ever since the establishment of CIE. Sticking to the principle of Inviting & Going Global, we have invited numbers of college teachers from overseas universities and institutes, like Wageningen University (Holland) and University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA), to offered CIE students summer term courses. We also encouraged the students to take part in the international study program supported by NWAFU.

Prof. Weaver from Auburn University, USA, on Plant Genetic Class
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)