On May 8th, the Y2016 National English Contest for College Students closed at Xidian University, in which NWAFUers made new records by winning 6 prizes.
Group 3, National Top Prize Winners
Yu Hongrui, College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering Wang Hechun, College of Information Engineering
Wang Shuai, College of Veterinary Medicine Chen Wenqian, Innovative Experimental College

Group C, National First Prize
Cheng Meijie, Innovative Experimental College Jiang Ke, College of Forestry

National English Contest for College Students (NECCS for short), is the only English proficiency contest that authorized by MOE, playing a vital role in assessment and incentive system of NWAFU college English teaching. NWAFU Academic Affairs Office and Department of Foreign Languages have been prioritizing encouraging students to take part in the NECCS, aiming at raising the students’ interests in learning English and improving their foreign language proficiency via the contests.
At the preliminary of NECCS of NWAFU, the number of contestants of our university reached to 1150. There were 6 students selected as representatives. Their high proficiency in English and quick-mind in contest mirrored the high quality of NWAFU teaching, in particular in foreign language training.
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)