On March 10th, the Forum of Exchange Program between Hong Kong and Mainland China was held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Two representatives of CIE from NWAFU, including the CIE Dean Mr. Ou Wenjun attended the great event, who took this opportunity for promoting the exchange program between NWAFU and Shanheng College of CUHK and finalized the new program of the two parties.
Vice president of the host university, CUHK, Professor Huo Taihui delivered the opening speech and then gave the floor to the deputy director of Hong Kong, Marco and Taiwan affairs office of MOE Mr. Wang Zhiwei, the associate counsel of Education Science Office of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Mr.Zhang Zongming and other government officers. The attendees were more 60 representatives from 37 universities of mainland China that have established cooperation with universities of Hong Kong in terms of exchange program.
At the forum, three mainland universities and CUHK shared their experience in exchange program concerning the project-based learning, community service, cultural exploration and credit requirements. Following this, the attendees had a thorough discussion over the further cooperation in talents cultivation and scientific research between the mainland and Hong Kong universities. Mr. Ou Wenjun, on behalf of NWAFU received the professor Huo Taihui--- vice president of CUHK’s Appreciation Award. During their stay in Hong Kong, Mr. Ou and the other representative of NWAFU visited the Shanheng College of NWAFU, exchanging ideas with the host about the optimization of operation mechanism and the innovation of student management system of Youren College.

at the forum

Professor Huo Taihui, vice president of CUHK awarding the Appreciation Award to NWAFU

at the meeting of Shanheng College

visiting Shanheng College
(Translated by: Yan Xianhui)