| As the saying goes, “It takes three generations to make a gentleman”. Now, it has been the forth year since the establishment of Innovative Experiment College. On the morning of March 13, 2012, along with college leaders, student representatives of grade 2008 from College of Innovative Experiment gathered in front of college building to plant the crabapple trees and embedded wishes bottles, to witness the development of both college and its students and to express students' gratitude and acknowledge to the college.
Crabapple Tree, deciduous tree of rosaceae malus, is vital and adaptable to environment. Its branches is flexible while flowers are gorgeous in elegant appearance. It was chosen by the students as memorial tree, for which symbolize their best wishes that the college will be as persistent, flowerful and blooming as the trees.
It is shared by the students representatives of grade 2008 that, what they have learned in the past four years were more than professional knowledge, since the attitude of gratitude, the spirit of devotion and the way of cooperation they attained will be of great significance for the whole life. They showed their determination that they will keep practicing University motto and college motto to strive for greater self-progress and more glory for the college, to identify themselves as excellent students of Innovative Experimental College, to build future as flourishing as crabapple. they are looking forward to the some day when they gather at the same place and refind wishes bottles. They firmly believe that, the old days when they studied in the college of Innovative Experiment will be the best times in their whole life.
 The Crabapple Tree Implying the Emotional Bound between Teachers and Students
 Wishing Bottles Buried for New Hope and New Life
 The Trees Planted Today Witnessing the Affection of Students to the College
 Flourishing and Charming Flowers Color My Yard Overnight