| To learn from the fellow universities about the training of foreign language literacy and educational and teaching reform in top-notch innovative talents cultivation, leaded by Associate Dean of our college Wang Jun and Associate Dean of Foreign Language Department Tian Zhiqiang, a group of 6 people visited Southwest University and Chongqing University from November 5th to 8th.
On Nov 5th and 6th, the group came to attend the symposium organized by English College of Southwest University, at which they communicated with the Associate Dean Liu Chengyu, Zhang Jiazheng and the college English teachers. Our group learned about their teaching reform, English teaching aims of Hanhong Class, general design and language teaching facilities and professional development program of English teachers. After the symposium, our teachers attended the college English class and Hanhong class, watching the study-discussion pattern teaching in U-shaped classroom and communicating with the teachers.
On Nov 7th and 8th, our group came to Chongqing University and inspected the class-teaching of College EnglishII and III, then exchanged ideas of teaching content design and teaching methods. In addition, our group attended the symposium and talked with their Dean Ou Ling and other teachers, from which we learned more about their philosophy of curriculum and training program, English teaching based on discipline and training of academic English.
During the tour, the college supervisors of teaching affairs paid visit to Hanhong College of Southwest University and Hongshen College of Chongqing University, discussing with them about training of top-notch innovative talents in the form of model reform, curriculum and the training of students innovative ability. This visit served to enhance the communication between A&F and Southwest University and Chongqing University, especially in the cultivation of innovative talents. Their practice in English teaching is helpful experience for us to optimize the design of English teaching content, to refine the teaching methods and to improve students’ foreign language literacy, which also inspired us in English teaching design of innovative experimental class and the professional development program of our teachers.
 Symposium, English College of Southwest University
 Symposium, English College of Chongqing University