| On May 23rd and 24th, the final report evaluation and in-process review of 2013 National Undergraduate Innovative Experiment Program were held in college meeting room, at which 19 final reports were evaluated and 8 in-process programs were reviewed. 15 judges invited as judges are professors from College of Animal Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Plant Protection, College of Food Engineering, College of Horticulture, College of Natural Resources and Environment and College of Life Science.
The review meeting was going in an organized way. All the students reported via ppt presentation the programs they are working on. Having examined the final report applications, conclusion reports and the meeting presentation of each group, the judges raised a series of challenging questions to the applicants and reviewed the program results, innovative and practical significance. It came to an encouraging end that all 19 programs meet the demands of final reports requirements, among which The Construction of Efficient Lignin Degradation Engineering Bacteria, The Knock-out and Functional Verification of the Unique Gene on Fusarium Graminearum Chromosome, and The SNP Analysis of Wnt7a Gene of Qinchuan Ox and Its Genetic Effect on Growth Traits were awarded best final reports. On the other hand, the judges examined the in-process programs via listening to the program presentation, checking the required experiment records and questioning the reporters. Then they gave the students many instructive suggestions to solve the bottleneck problems and required prompt rectification of the unwell processed programs.
This review meeting built a stage for the students to improve their experimental techniques, research ability and innovative thoughts, on which the students can communicate with and learn from the experts in a close manner, which will promote the completion of the programs significantly.
 Program defence
 At the meeting