On Oct 16th, CIE welcomed the inspection of A&F Party Secretary Liang Gui and organized the meeting that Mr. Wang Yaping (team Leader of A&F educational practice supervising group), deputy director of A&F academic division Mz. Li haihua, director of A&F students’ affairs department Mr. Ma Bohu, representatives of A&F president office and all CIE faculty were present.
Before the meeting, Mr. Liang visited Youren College and CIE offices and then went to the students’ dormitories and talked with them. At the meeting, Dean of CIE Mr. Chen Yuchun made a report on college work concerning the background of CIE establishment, the reform of talents cultivation programme, students’ management and ideological education, educational outcomes, plan of CIE development and urgent problems to be solved. CIE Party Secretary Mz. Sun Yu’ai reported the Party’s mass line in educational practice carried on in CIE, being goal-oriented to improve the service, being methodical to promote the mass-based CIE work, being practical to ensure the work efficiency. Another two reports given by CIE associate dean Wang Jun and Party Secretary Qu Yufeng respectively, focusing on the cultivation of undergraduates’ innovative quality and ability and the enhancement of counsellor team’s construction.
Mz. Li Haihua and Mr. Ma Bohu shared their ideas of how to promote the Youren College construction and A&F’s recognition on CIE educational model. Mr. Wang Yaping spoke highly of CIE educational practice activities.
Having listened to the reports, A& F Party Secretary Mr. Liang expressed his feeling with the word Inspired and pointed out that the endeavour that CIE made in the past five years manifested their persistence and passion in reform and guaranteed its place of pioneer in A&F educational reform, which was a great encourage to the university as well. He also showed his appreciation in the CIE’s effort made in educational practice activities and encouraged CIE to further it and make it in turn to promote the college work.
In addition, he hoped CIE and Youren College would make their work student-centred and guarantee the dominant role of teachers and students in education; be more interactive with other departments of A&F and the reception colleges to function well as pioneer in talents cultivation and educational and teaching reform. He would like to encourage other department related to give strong support for CIE.
Since the establishment of CIE, our college has constructed the curriculum and cultivation system of Two Phases, Three Steps and Modularization, the mentor-guided research-ability training system and the appointed-teaching system, and has made great achievements in refining excellent students’ redistribution and mentor system.
 Mr. Liang visiting Youren College
 Mr. Liang talking to students in the dormitory
 At the meeting