On 23rd March 2014, the final report evaluation and in-process review of 2014 National Undergraduate Innovative Experiment Program were held in college meeting room. 37 undergraduate innovative experimental programs, inclusive of 6 final reports and 31 half-finished programs were evaluated and reviewed in terms of project defense or project report presentation. 10 experts from other colleges of A&F were invited to be judges.
All projects were get into two groups by discipline categorization. Group representatives were elected to make a 5-minute presentation inclusive of the completion, research findings and their innovation of their projects. Having examined the applicants’ reports and presentations, the judges came to the Q&A section in which way the programs were evaluated and scored. Encouragingly, 6 final reports of programs passed the assessment with satisfactory score. In the 31 half-finished projects, 3 of them were graded most excellent projects including Research of HGF Gene Polymorphism of Qinchuan Cattle, Swine ESRRB Promotor Cloning and its Functional Verification, and The Construction of Corynebacterium Glutamine Engineering Bacteria of Ethanol Produced by Raw Materials of Lignin; 17 programs including The Verification of IncRNAs of Marine SSCs meet the demand of in-process review. On the other hand, 7 projects including Research of the Methylated Modification of ESET and H3K9 in Swine Spermatogenesis were required to revise for second review and 3 projects failed the assessment and were called to end.
The final reports assessment and in-process project review gave a periodical judgment on the projects and greatly help the completion of the further research. The interaction between judges and students will inspire the students of more innovative ideas.
 At the project defense
At the project defense (Translated by: Xianhui Yan)