On the morning of March 18th, CIE welcome the senior staff of our university who came to inspect and deploy the Y2015 key projects of college.
CIE Dean Mr. Chen Yuchun first gave a detailed report on the mission and key projects in Y2015 college affairs which had been strategically planed in accordance with the blue print of A&F. He, with great emphasis, reported the development of Youren College and the optimization of its mechanism.
Having listened carefully to the report, A&F Executive Vice President Zhao Zhong showed his appreciation to the plan and voiced his suggestions. He advised the college learn from the achievements of previous reform and get rid of drawbacks, then to further the teaching reform, innovate the teaching methods and developing the quality of talents cultivation. With the precondition of well-organized college affairs, CIE could enhance the moral education and refine the administration system of Youren College for a more energetic work team. He also suggested the college innovate the moral education system, integrating the core value of socialism into the general education courses, to enhance the ideological guide for students’ overall development.
 at the symposium (Photos from: Wang Yanwen; Translated by: Xianhui Yan)