| To arouse students’ research interest and improve their innovative practice ability, on March 29th 2015 at College’s first-floor Conference Room and Multimedia Classroom, the mid-term defense review for 2014 Innovation Training Project was conducted. 47 project groups from both 2011 and 2012 Grade participated in the review as the main force - 43 of them being key projects at university level, and 4 at national level. 10 experts from College of Life Science, College of Animal Medicine, College of Animal Science, College of Horticulture, College of Science, and College of Plant Protection were invited.
Project were divided into two groups according to their subjects. Each defense group selected one representative to give a five-minute PowerPoint report in regards to the group’s research progress, acquired achievement, current research focus, together with existing problems, proposed solutions and funds usage etc.; other group members could make necessary supplements. Experts examined and scored the project by report material, presentation content, and Q&A etc.; comments and suggestions were also given to each project group for further improvement.
Through this mid-term review, the 2014 Innovation Training Plan Project is comprehensively examined and commented. The experts are knowledgeable and conscientious: by going through students’ working logs, interim reports and PowerPoint presentations, they give suggestions regarding topic selection and working plan to every project group; and in particular, they point out the significance of understanding experiment background, reviewing relevant literature and actively joining project design and construction from the perspective of project overall control and further innovation improvement; students shouldn’t simply focus on specific experiment steps. Experts the judges also reminded students that, for the sake of future reference, experiment data processing, work logging and interim report writing should be comprehensive and detailed. The defense review, with intense discussion and expert-student face-to-face communication, has benefited students’ scientific projects , and at the same time broadened their creative thinking space.
 At the Defense
 At the Defense (Translated by: Xianhui Yan)