To support the activity of Y2014 Research Poster Design Contest of Youren College and to get the students better involved int he activity, the instruction meeting was held on the evening of 17th November. Scientific innovation department of CIE student union invited to the Yuantong workshop of Youren College, the first prize winner of A&F 2nd Poster Design Contest, Y2010 student Yan Runchuan, the second prized winner of National Challenge Cup Competition Y2009 Student Hu Dexin to share their experience with the students of lower year group.
At the meeting, the participants introduced their research orientation and content in turns and presented their draft poster. Then the instructor Yan Runchuan gave her advice and comments on the works, pointed out the flaw like two many words, the lack of picture and the mis-match of colors. To help the students better understand the design strategy, she showed her own posters and shared some tips. She emphasized that the posters were supposed to highlight the expected results formally and professionally, which could be accomplished by precise bi-lingual explaination and illustrating pictures.
The students benefited much from the heated discussion, from which they learned about the tips and skills in their design, and the solutions to the problems as well.
 Student Yan Runchuan and students of lower year group at the meeting (Photo from: Lei Pei; Translated by: Xianhui Yan)