On the morning of 25th June, the 2014 Graduation Ceremony & Degree Congregation of CIE was held in our college, at which Deputy Party Secretary of CIE Mr. Qu Yunfeng served as the host. Deputy Director of A&F Academic Division Ms. Li Julan was invited to address the ceremony. All Y2014 CIE graduates, along with their form teachers and parents and CIE staff attended the great occasion.
A piece of video directed and acted by the graduates was displayed before the meeting. In this unique way that the graduates recorded their wonderful college life and expressed their gratitude and best wishes to their peers and to A&F. The 30-minute video of ocean of love manifested their affection to their teachers, CIE and A&F.
Following the moving video, Party Secretary of CIE Ms. Sun Yu’ai announced the Approved Programme of Degree Congregation Qualification of CIE for Y2014 Graduates. Then CIE Associate Dean Mr. Wang Jun read out the list of Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Thesis Winners, followed by the Deputy Director of A&F Academic Division Ms. Li Julan presenting the list of CIE Y2014 Graduates Degree Award. Representatives of graduates Si Wei and lower year group students’ representative Sun Xinyao gave speeches respectively.
In the speech delivered by CIE Dean Mr. Chen Yuchun, he extended his congratulations to the graduates on their success and accomplishment, and his sincere thanks and warm welcome to the parents and teachers for their great support. Going through the thick and thin of 2+ X educational model has made all the graduates capable to cope with any other hardships in the future. Then he proposed his expectations to the graduates: stick to the dream of excellence and be brave, stick to the philosophy of exploration and be persistent, stick to the principle of a scholar and be responsible. He also hoped the student would keep expanding personal horizon and make more contribution to the development of China’s agriculture and the whole nation.
Then, Mr. Chen Yuchun, Ms. Sun Yu’ai, Associate Professor Song Xiyue, and Associate Professor Du Shuangtian awarded the graduates degree.
There are 107 graduates of CIE this year, 87 of who have been admitted for the A&F Bachelor- Doctor degree education programme, 3 are to study abroad with full national scholarship and 5 have got the admission to Qinghua University and Beijing University for further study. In the past four years, there were 39 papers published on core journals, 24 on SCI and 15 on Chinese core journal. In addition, 1 national patent and 11 national scholarships have been won. One student won prize at National College English Contest. 6 projects have been approved the National Undergraduate Innovative Experiment Programme.
 CIE Dean Mr. Chen Yuchun addressing the ceremony
 CIE Party Secretary Ms. Sun Yu’ai announcing Approved Programme of Degree Congregation Qualification of CIE for Y2014 Graduates
 Deputy Director of A&F Academic Division Ms. Li Julan presenting the list of CIE Y2014 Graduates Degree Congregation
 CIE Associate Dean Mr. Wang Jun reading out the list of Excellent Bachelor’s Degree Thesis Winners
 Deputy Party Secretary Mr. Qu Yunfeng hosting the ceremony
 Representative of graduates Si Wei
 Representative of lower year group student Sun Xinyao
 Awarding degree
 Awarding degree
 Watching video of graduates
 Group Picture (Translated by: Xianhui Yan)