| On April 18th, President Sun Qixin, accompanied by principals from A& F President Office, Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School of A& F, Student Affairs Office and Policy Research Department, investigated our college. All faculties of our college attended the investigation symposium.
The inspection team first visited each office of our college, looking over into the working environment and talking with college faculties. Then, President Sun came to the symposium conducted in the multimedia classroom of our college, communicating with college faculties.
At the symposium,Party Secretary and College Executive Vice Dean, Professor Chen Yuchun reported to President Sun on college status quo, college development orientation and working principles, principal works since the college establishment and the plan for future. Then College Dean Professor Wang Guodong presented the difficulties and problems confronting with the college. Other faculties also generally stated the work they were in charge of. President Sun listened carefully to those reports and suggestions, raising questions on some specific problems for thorough information.
Following this, President Sun pointed out that any innovation would experience the exploration and reform in which difficulties and challenges were inevitable. He also encouraged the college faculties to be mentally ready to overcome the difficulties and conquer the challenges, to unceasingly promote the innovation and reform and to cope with the complicated situation. The gains now were convincing evidence to certify the validity of innovative talents cultivation objectives and orientation. Our university were to make College of Innovation and Experiment the special zone for education reformation, to make new talents cultivation model on the basis of current education system. He suggested that College of Innovation and Experiment further explore the innovative talents cultivation through trials and errors.
President Sun indicated that cultivation of innovative talents required full understanding of thorough education not as a university-wide programme but a programme linked up to prestige universities abroad. Apparently, new cultivation model called for the support of new model of student management. College of Innovation and Experiment are supposed to explore the operation of college system management while grasping its essence, to inform the students more supererogatory knowledge out of class, to promote the education reform unceasingly, to function better as demonstration college, to bridge the gap of cultivation models between individualized one and traditional one. Covering more national key disciplines, college should make full use of privilege in discipline and teachers, so as to make innovative talents with university-distinction out of common students.
Last, President Sun emphasized that it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men. The role of experiment zone College of Innovation and Experiment has been playing is acceptable and identified, as well as the errors in its exploration. Our university will be supportive to the exploration and reformat in terms of system and policies. Meanwhile, college itself should further emancipate minds and be firm of reform orientation, releasing the metal burden. College also need to break the system restraints for the establishment of the most functional cultivation model for development of innovative talents, to conduct individualized education and humanity management for student better self-identity, to demonstrate the intimacy, tolerance and reliance to the students for their sustainable development.
 A &F President Sun Qixin Coming to College of Innovation and Experiment
 At the Symposium
 A &F President Sun Qixin Listening to the Reports from College Principals
 College Dean Professor Wang Guodong Giving the Report
 Party Secretary and College Executive Vice Dean Professor Chen Yuchun Making an Account
 A &F President Sun Qixin Inspecting Our College |