| On March 1st 2011, Professor Hung T. Diep (vice President of Universite de Cergy-Pontoise), Professor Smaill Alili (international programme linkman of Science and Technology College), Professor Nancy Brodie-Linder ( Director of Bilingual Certificate Department of Science and Techonology College), and Mr. Yang Ping from French Education International Coorperation Center visited our college and gave a presentation on the Overseas Study Programme of English & French Bilingual Bachelor of Science. Vice Dean of Innovative Experimental College, Mr. Wang Jun hosted the meeting. College Executive Vice Dean, Professor Chen Yu Chun was present the meeting along with other college teaching administrators.
First, Professor Nancy Brodie-Linder briefly introduced Unicersite de Cergy-Pontoise and provided detailed information on the project on-going. Then, leaders of our college exchanged their ideas with three visiting foreign teachers and Mr. Yang Ping about the cultivation of international exchange students and the promotion of the cooperation.
At the meeting, students present actively communicate with the foreign teacher in English, and inquired the details, like the life, study, further education and future employment in France. The interaction made the meeting more lively than expected. Students' eagerness to knowledge and English language ability profoundly impressed the foreign teachers and Mr. Yang.
After the Seminar, 7 students showed their preference to this project and took part in the interview. Their performance was greatly appreciated by the interviewer who encouraged their hard working and welcome them to study in France.
Universite de Cergy-Pontoise grew out of the Paris 10th and 11th University and was authorized a dependent university by France Educational Department in 1991. It consists of several colleges---College of Science and Technology, College of Economics Administration, College of Laws, College of Literature and Humanities, College of Language, College of Techniques and College of Teachers' Training. The majors offered in this university involves most discipline and domains required, including Language and Literature, Laws, Economics Administration, Social Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Biology, Environment, Civil Engineering and Electronic Engineering.
